Twitter Search Keyword Ads Are Open to All Advertisers

February 15, 2023
Twitter Search Keyword Ads

Twitter has launched the beta of their Search Keyword Ads and stated its availability to all advertisers. This is unique as the Twitter Search Keyword Ads are much more tuned to target users who search for the specific terms in the query. This is an improvement over other Twitter Keywords campaigns.

Reigniting Twitter as a Paid Ad Platform

Twitter’s Search Keyword Ads can be a great way to target Twitter users at an effective time—more than previously available on Twitter. This will prove to be a new and unique way to advertise to Twitter followers.

Why we care

We are always looking for new opportunities to reach new audiences at a scalable ROI. Twitter has some very unique audiences that are difficult to reach on other social platforms. You can expect that we will be testing out this new search option when it becomes available. Stay tuned.