A good digital marketing strategy starts with solid research and actionable data. To gain this business intelligence you need a well-thought-out measurement framework and reliable website analytics. And in this shifting regulatory environment, you may also need agile options to remain compliant in all the jurisdictions you operate in. We do this.

We Measure What Matters to You

Our team have more than 15 years of experience working with all types of websites and a variety of analytics and CRM software. We have the depth of knowledge and agility to develop and implement a website measurement framework that helps you gain the business insights you need from your website.

Data drives Results

Our digital marketing projects rely on good website analytics. Our team is at the forefront of the latest website analytics implementations, so that we can measure and report on the results of every marketing dollar you spend. From e-commerce to brand-building and lead generation, we can implement measurement protocol to fit your needs.

Get actionable Business Intelligence & Market Research

We use website analytics to monitor key performance metrics and generate actionable business intelligence based on your website’s user activity. We use this data to inform our future website optimizations and advertising efforts. As part of any digital marketing program, each month you will receive a customized report to provide you insights on your website performance.

Our Website Analytics Services

Basic Google Analytics Setup

We start all of our projects with a measurement plan. We will setup your Google Analytics & make sure you can measure what you need to.

Google Analytics Audits & Tracking Issues

Is your analytics not tracking what it should? We can fix this!

Google Analytics 4 Migrations

If you need help migrating your Universal Analytics (GA3) to GA4, we can help.

Alternatives to Google Analytics

Are you looking for an alternative to Google Analytics for your website tracking? Our consultants can guide you to a solution for your business.

Cross-Domain Tracking

If you have multiple domains, a cross-domain tracking solution can solve your reporting problems.

A/B Testing

Want to know what image or CTA is best? Let us test it for you.

Heat Mapping

Do you want more information on how your customers are using your website. Our heatmapping solutions offer valuable business intelligence you can action quickly.

CRM Integrations

Do you have a new CRM that is not integrated with your website analytics. Let us fix that.

E-Commerce Tracking

Setting up an online store is easier than ever. Knowing what is going on is a bigger challenge. We have the experience to integrate your ecommerce data into your web analytics.

Website analytics is probably not the first thing you think about when you think about your digital marketing strategy, but it plays a fundamental role in measuring the success of any project. We have the expertise to help you with any of your website analytics challenges.

Analytics Blog

Save your Universal Analytics before July 1, 2024

Why You Need to Save Your Universal Analytics Data Now

May 9, 2024

In 2023 the transition from Universal Analytics to Google Analytics 4 (GA4) brought many reporting and measurement challenges for businesses. For most businesses, leveraging detailed analytics data is crucial to […]

Making Sense of Google Ads Auto Migration Confusion - Ontario SEO

Making Sense of Google Analytics Auto Migration

October 5, 2023

Google Analytics issued an apology for the confusion stemming from a recent account updates. Advertisers found themselves caught off guard as the platform initiated an automatic migration of configurations from […]