Search Engine Optimization Services

Drive growth with an
SEO strategy that scales

Unlock the potential of search to increase your visibility, strengthen your brand and generate long-term growth. Our multidisciplinary approach to SEO combines comprehensive strategy and proven tactics to maximize your results across the entire customer journey.

You need to be found. Our SEO experts can make that happen.

Most companies that claim to do SEO are bound to a simple set of tactics. You know as well as we do that the basics no longer cut it. To beat the competition, you need to be doing much more than just title tags and meta descriptions.

Our decades of combined SEO experience and in-depth understanding of the search algorithms allow us to help our clients improve their rankings, grow their website traffic and most importantly, drive revenue.


of online experiences start on a search engine

– BrightEdge


of marketers find the best ROI from organic search

– Search Engine Journal


of businesses are prioritizing SEO this year

– UpCity

How We Can Help

Our team of SEO experts are dedicated to helping your business achieve its goals, whether that means growing your organic traffic, navigating major changes such as a rebrand or site migration, or recovering from a decline in traffic. Let us know how we can help:

When you’ve reached the limits of your SEO capabilities and lack the resources to take it to the next level, partnering with us will help you achieve growth targets and capture more market share. We nurture growth through end-to-end optimization and agile SEO strategy that helps clients achieve better results year after year.

If you’re launching a new website, rebranding, relocating or migrating to a new domain, you’ll need all the puzzle pieces in place to attract new customers while making sure your current customers can still find you. Our team will streamline the process for a successful transition.

If traffic to your website is declining, you need a solution quickly. Our team will uncover the cause of the declines, then recommend and implement changes to regain the momentum you once had and get things back on track.

Our Process


We start by learning about you, your business, your customers, and your goals. New clients are paired with a dedicated Account Manager and Digital Manager who will keep you up to date on project progress and answer any questions you might have.


Getting to the top of the search results means that someone else must give up that spot. We’ll conduct competitor research, content audits, and keyword research to identify weaknesses and gaps in the market that will generate the best return-on-investment for your business.


Once we understand your unique landscape, we take all of our research and consolidate it into an actionable SEO strategy that ensures that you’re present throughout the entire customer journey, from brand discovery and consideration to the point of sale and beyond.


Once you have approved your SEO strategy, our tactics are prioritized and implemented by our in-house SEO and web development specialists. We monitor and measure the results of these changes to ensure positive outcomes before progressing to the next phase.


SEO is not a one-time effort. Each month, we report back to you on the success of our SEO efforts while using the data and insights to continually adjust the focus of your SEO program. Our cross-functional teams meet quarterly to explore new growth opportunities for your specific project. Since we are your full-service digital partner, we can expertly integrate and align your SEO program with your digital advertising, social media, email and other off-line marketing efforts.

Success Stories

In the years we’ve spent crafting SEO strategies for B2B and B2C clients, we’ve developed wide-ranging industry expertise in Professional and Financial Services, Travel & Tourism, Retail, Manufacturing, Non-Profits and more.


Annual website
revenue since 2015

One of our many long-standing clients is a luxury chain of boutique Canadian hotels. What started from a disastrous experience with a previous agency quickly became a large multichannel project spanning search engine optimization, Facebook advertising, content writing, and more.

With years of improvements to their digital presence, their website revenue has improved by over 4x since 2015, with annual growth averaging 25%.


Growth in
Organic Traffic

In 2018, a B2B client in the health and safety industry came to us looking for assistance with recovering their organic traffic after a development company made an error in migrating their site files.

Since that time, their SEO strategy has evolved from recovery to generating exponential growth year-over-year. By leveraging our expertise in SEO, the site’s organic traffic has improved 13X since 2018.

We are also proud to report that over the last three years, the site achieved a staggering average annual organic traffic growth rate of 256%.


Increase in
Website Revenue

A leading tour company in Mexico came to us with a challenge – increase their organic visibility and transactions to reduce their reliance on third-party travel booking sites.

Our strategy was centred around three major themes: increase visibility, improve local presence, and broaden market share.

By investing in digital marketing with Ontario SEO, they saw a 75% increase in organic traffic, a 24% increase in conversion rate and an 84% increase in revenue from their website.

“I cannot say enough good things about the entire Ontario SEO team. Since we started working with them we have been so impressed with their service, the quality of their work and their attention to detail. We would highly recommend them to anyone looking for a stellar SEO team.”

– Diandra B

Search Engine Optimization Services   

Increase your rankings, organic traffic, and leads with our comprehensive suite of professional SEO services. From once-off technical SEO projects and audits to monthly retainers and consulting, our SEO solutions can be completely customized to meet the needs of your organization.

SEO Consulting

We work with your marketing team and in-house staff to develop tailored SEO strategies that will fix your SEO issues and drive more revenue. We were in this business before it was a business – our depth of experience is unmatched.

Google Business Profile

Google Business Profile (formerly Google My Business) is a critical pillar of any local marketing strategy. Our experienced organic search specialists fix, optimize, & maintain Google My Business profiles on your behalf. See how we can maximize your visibility in the search results.  

Technical SEO

If technical SEO is not done right, it will cost you money. Technical SEO is critical for the long-term success of any website. Leave it to us! Ontario SEO has the depth-of-knowledge to identify and solve any technical SEO challenge.

Local SEO

Are you showing up in Google Maps? Or is it your competitor down the street? Maintaining visibility online needs constant nurturing. Our local SEO experts can create an SEO strategy that will keep your business at the front of the [maps] pack.

Mobile-First SEO

The majority of searches happen on mobile devices. Is your SEO strategy tailored to that? We’re always up to date on the latest trends in mobile search. Your users get a great experience and your website is visible no mater how they are searching.

Website SEO Audit

Want to know how you square up to your competitors online? A basic website SEO audit identifies issues and opportunities, helping prioritize your marketing efforts.  We excel at delivering actionable recommendations that drive results.

Content Creation

It doesn’t matter how great your content is if it can’t be found. We can work with your in-house writing team or create on your behalf. We excel at telling stories that matter to customers, while giving the search engines exactly what they want too.

Google Penalty Recovery

You’ve noticed your keyword rankings dropping lately & want to know why. We use the most advanced technical SEO tactics & techniques to address ranking declines and Google penalty issues. Put our depth of experience to work.  

Local Citations

Local citations signal the trust and authority of your website to Google.  Don’t outsource credibility to an unknown 3rd party. Instead, let us work with you to build a trustworthy and aligned digital footprint for your business.

We take care of your digital marketing strategy, so you can focus on what you do best.

Let’s have a conversation.

Search Engine Optimization Blog

Google Tests SGE AI Overviews in the U.S

Google Tests SGE AI Overviews in the U.S

April 4, 2024

Google has rolled out testing of it’s Search Generative Experience (SGE) to all users in the US. If you are in the US and searching on Google, you might come […]


SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which refers to a practice of optimizing websites to rank higher on the search results page (SERP) on search engines like Google and Bing. This practice can involve many different elements including optimizing on-page content, obtaining links from high-authority websites, making technical fixes to improve user experience, and much more. Despite its name, SEO is not only about search engines, it’s also an important practice for the humans visiting your site who want to see content that’s relevant to their searches.

Put simply: if you are a business that wants to be found online, you need SEO. 93% of consumers use search engines to find businesses and if you’re not showing up in those searches, your customers are likely going to find your competitors instead

SEO is constantly evolving and changing, so staying in the top of the SERP is also an ongoing process, not a one-and-done project. Despite its name, SEO is not only about search engines, it’s also an important practice for the humans visiting your site who want to see content that’s relevant to their searches.

Yes, there is. While SEO & PPC often have similar goals of bringing more traffic and driving more leads to websites, it’s important to understand that they are two very different marketing channels:

  • PPC (or Pay Per Click advertising) is a channel that aims to bring paid traffic to a site through clickable ads deployed on ad platforms like Google Ads, Microsoft Ads and Meta Ads.
  • SEO, on the other hand, is a channel that aims to bring (unpaid) organic traffic to a website by being the most visible and relevant listing in the search engine results.

Each bring their own unique benefits. Leveraging multiple channels can generate amazing results for businesses who integrate both.

SEO ensures your business is visible on one of the most popular digital marketing channels customers can be found on: search engines. Good SEO means that you will show up at the exact moment your customers are searching for your products/services and when they are looking to find solutions to their pain points. SEO is also an important practice in digital marketing because it’s focused on providing the best website user experience possible, which benefits not only customers from organic search but customers from other marketing channels as well.

When paired together, SEO and Google Ads can be powerful digital marketing tools. Since SEO takes longer to see results, Google Ads can be used to ensure your business is showing up in the top positions for keywords that you are not ranking very high for yet organically. Google ads can also be a great way to test customer behaviour for particular keywords and copy, which can then be leveraged for your SEO strategies.

Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Marketing are both powerful digital marketing channels. When it comes to deciding which is best for your business, it really depends. Ideally, we recommend investing in both, because leveraging both channels can drive great results.

However, if your business does not have enough resources to invest in both, you’ll need to choose a channel that best aligns with your needs. For example, if you would like to start generating leads right away, SEM may be the best course of action as SEO can take some time before you start seeing results. However, if you’re looking for a more long-term, high-value strategy with results that won’t be limited by budget, SEO is the way to go.

SEO increases sales by:

  • Improving rankings on the search engine results page (SERP), which can drive more qualified organic traffic, leads, sales to your site
  • Its ability to refine targeting for queries that have the highest purchase-intent
  • Ensuring your business shows up in the SERP at every stage of the purchase funnel
  • Creating the best on-page user experience possible, which makes users more likely to convert

The main goal of SEO is to drive website traffic and then turn that traffic into leads. How? SEO is focused on improving rankings on the search engine results page (SERP) for queries that are relevant to your business. The higher your rankings, the more likely a user will click on your listing. A recent study found that the first result has an average CTR of 43% in the SERP, while the 10th position (which is still on the first page), was found to have an average CTR of just 3%. To obtain better rankings and therefore increase website traffic, you’ll need a robust SEO strategy that utilizes a multitude of tactics including keyword research and mapping, on-page content optimization, backlinks, technical SEO, and much more.