Micro-moments workshop for digital marketing

Micro-Moments Workshop Guelph

April 25, 2016

Last week Kim Atkinson travelled to Guelph to do a live Google Hangout with our Google reps Marta and Mario who presented a Mirco-Moments Workshop addressing trends in online advertising […]

Top 10 Most Important Google Analytics Metrics

Top 10 Most Important Google Analytics Metrics

December 7, 2015

If you’re wondering what the most important Google Analytics metrics for your website are, you’re in the right place. When you read your monthly reports on your website analytics, do you know […]

Wayne speaking at the Google Partners Connect Event

Google Partners Connect Event

November 19, 2015

This afternoon we hosted another Google Partners Connect event and were happy to meet some new faces from our community. If you attended the event and were looking for some […]

Is Google Spying on my customers?

Is Google Spying on My Customers?

February 17, 2015

I was recently asked by a friend at a party how I gather all this exciting internet data I am always carrying on about. Excited I had finally engaged someone […]

Is your business ready for local mobile search?

Is your business ready for local mobile search?

January 3, 2015

According to IBM customer transaction data, we experienced a major milestone in the world of online retail on the American Thanksgiving weekend; mobile traffic from smartphones and tablets accounted for […]

Learn how to re-launch a website with digital marketing tips from Ontario SEO.

Website Relaunch Infographic

April 4, 2014

Have you set up your website relaunch to be out of this world or utterly unimpressive? Checking up on your website relaunch success? Download the checklist that will make your […]

Google Universal Analytics is Now Available to Everyone

Google Universal Analytics Available to Everyone

January 14, 2014

Many people have been using Google Analytics (GA) to keep track of visitor traffic to their websites, web pages, and e-commerce endeavours. Although it’s always been a useful, powerful marketing […]